Trucks seem to have a long life in Williamsburg County, S.C., as farmers use their equipment as long as it lasts, notes photographer Linda W. Brown, who spied this old truck on a farm between Cades and Hebron.
Old Coast Guard helicopters, Hebron Crossroads, S.C.
Seeing a fleet of mothballed Coast Guard helicopters — particularly in rural Williamsburg County — isn’t an everyday sight, notes Kingstree photographer Linda W. Brown.
“These old Coast Guard helicopters have been accumulating on the grounds of the old Hebron School. After the school closed, the building was used as a “sewing plant.”Once it, too, closed, it appears that the owner is using the grounds for helicopter “storage.” Note the guard dog! ”
There’s not much business these days at this abandoned store on U.S. Highway 17 outside of McClellanville in the northern, rural part of Charleston County.
Photo by Linda W. Brown of Kingstree, S.C. Taken March 28, 2015. All rights reserved.
Photographer Linda W. Brown of Kingstree, S.C., said she’s not exactly sure what this contraption in a Florence County pasture was used for on the farm. “Personally, I like all the different levels and sizes of wheels.”
Copyrighted photo taken by Linda W. Brown. All rights reserved.
Although never incorporated, Salters, S.C., has a town hall,” writes Kingstree, S.C., photographer Linda W. Brown. “Built around 1900 as a project of The Salters Social Club, it hosted community and club meetings and was a venue for school commencements, community plays, dances and suppers.
The social club members bought stock at $10 a share to raise money for its construction. The stock purchases raised $1,000 to build the structure in Williamsburg County, she said.
Copyrighted photo taken by Linda W. Brown. All rights reserved.
This old store is diagonally across the Old Ninety Six Indian Trail from Jackson Hole in the western part of South Carolina. New Holland Crossroads in rural Aiken County, S.C., looks pretty much like a ghost town these days, said photographer Linda W. Brown of Kingstree, S.C.
Aiken County, longtime home of the federal Savannah River Site, is not a Southern Crescent county but it is adjacent to impoverished Barnwell and Orangeburg counties. Rural areas in Aiken County look much like those in the Crescent.
Copyrighted photo taken March 21, 2015, by Linda W. Brown. All rights reserved.
Kingstree, S.C., photographer Linda W. Brown observes there are still plenty of working farms in rural South Carolina. These barns are part of a farm in Clarendon County.
This mural, depicting the hand-harvesting of tobacco and located on Main Street in downtown Hemingway, S.C., is a reminder of the Williamsburg County town’s past as a major tobacco center.
Built in 1924, the Salters Brick School in Williamsburg County, S.C., served grades 1-11 when it opened in 1925 with 100 students, photographer Linda W. Brown of Kingstree writes. “After it was consolidated with a larger school, the building was used from the late 1970s to the early 1990s as the hub for Black River Glads, a wholesale gladiolas farming and sales operation. The building is currently for sale.”
Copyrighted photo by Linda W. Brown. All rights reserved.
This is one of a number of derelict motels along U.S. Highway 301 in Clarendon County, writes photographer Linda W. Brown of nearby Kingstree, S.C.
“Some of them have been converted into long-term residence facilities for migrant workers—and I think in some cases, people who have had their homes foreclosed on. Others are rotting away.” This one, she noted, appeared to be for sale.
— Copyrighted photo by Linda W. Brown taken March 21, 2015